Is It Better For A Species To Be Small And Hideable, Or Large And Powerful?

Is it better for a species to be small and hideable, or large and powerful?


Both attributes have an advantage, if the species are small and hide-able, they would not be caught and killed by some irresponsible and cruel people. They cannot be seen and can easily hide, camouflage with the color of the plants. Other big species are unable to eat them.  

If the species are large and powerful, they can fight back and defend themselves against abuse and other forms of cruelty. They can also protect themselves against other deadly or harmful species.  

Large and powerful species are intimidating to humans, thus, No one dares to touch or even catch them.  

Three types of species.

  1. Endemic species – Is one whose habitat is restricted to a specific area, often endangered.
  2. Exotic species – Is any species intentionally or accidentally transported and released by man into an environment outside its present range.
  3. Cosmopolitan species – it is common to the whole world, cosmopolitan distributions can be observed both in extinct and extant species.

Types of Endemic species.

  • Paleoendemic species – it is confined in just one area.
  • Neoendemic species – there are two populations evolve differently, because they cannot interbreed with one another, and eventually they are just adequately different from one another to be classified as separate species.


To know about species kindly click the links below:


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