Does 2018politics2019 Refer To A Particular Way In Which Rules Are Made, Preserved Or Amended, Or To All Such Processes?

Does 'politics' refer to a particular way in which rules are made, preserved or amended, or to all such processes?

There are quite many definition of politics. But to answer the question does 'politics' refer to a particular way in which rules are made, preserved or amended, or to all such processes?

The answer is, yes. Politics refers to a set of activities associated with the governance of a country, or an area in which rules are made, preserved, amended, and processed. It involves making decisions that apply to members of a group which is vital in achieving and exercising positions of governance—organized control over a human community, particularly a state. The academic study is termed Political Science (or sometime politicology) which deals all political processes involving human beings as political animals, state and government.  Political Science also deals with the concepts of governance, power, influence, legitimacy, perception, attitude, values, public opinion, decision-making, and groups and their activities.  

The Meaning of Politics:

Politics had its etymology from a Greek word polis means city-states. City-states of Ancient Greece were independent political entities of which Sparta and Athens were the most prominent. Thus politics is associated with the activities related to the "government" of the state. The following are theorists offer different definition of what politics is:

  • Karl Marx, defined politics as "ceaseless struggle for power"
  • David Easton, viewed politics as "authoritative allocation of values which are binding the society"
  • Harold Lasswell, defined politics as "who gets what, when and how"

Throughout the history of the discipline, political theorists and practitioners have offered multiple, at times contradictory and overlapping definitions of what politics involves. It is therefore difficult (if not impossible) to provide a single definition of politics that everyone can agree on. The best we can do is to explore some of the themes of politics of which could help us develop some sort of framework, and in some way of organizing these definitions.

Themes of Politics:

  • Politics as a form of political organization
  • Politics as an academic discipline
  • Politics as a nature of political right
  • Politics as a global pattern
  • Politics as a political power

In the modern day usage, politics denotes a process in the societal system in which the goals of that system are selected and ordered in terms of priority in the allocation of resources. Individuals, groups or institutions authorized to formulate and implement policies and programs in behalf of the rest of the members of the society do the allocation of resources through authoritative decisions.

Thus, as we explore the broader concepts of politics, it is necessary to first understand its basic foundations, learn more about its functions, get political news from high-quality sources, and consider the impact of politics on our lives.


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